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There is one vital health test that has always been part of our comprehensive eye health evaluation. In order to provide preventive eye health evaluations and preserve your sight by early detection of systemic (body) disease and eye disease, this test must be performed on all patients annually. Your vision insurance may not cover the cost of this vital test, yet it is extremely necessary.

At St. Rose Eye Care, we believe in practicing optometry at the highest level – utilizing the latest technology to assess the overall ocular health of the eye. That is why we require this test as part of our office's standard of care:

RETINAL PHOTOGRAPHY – Taking yearly colored photographs of the inside of the eyes is much like a dentist x-raying your mouth annually. The retinal photos document the internal health of your eyes and allow for accurate yearly comparisons. This enables the doctor to detect early eye health changes so that early treatment may be instituted to preserve your sight. If any pathology or problems are detected, the doctor may recommend dilation to further investigate your condition.

Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a huge step forward in the provision of comprehensive eye care. Using this latest state-of-the-art technology, our doctors are able to take a digital photograph and a 3-dimensional cross-sectional scan of the tissue in the back of the eye. This technology allows us to detect underlying eye disease that may not be visible during a normal comprehensive examination. This specialized testing can help aid in the diagnosis of glaucoma, macular degeneration and other eye diseases much earlier than normally possible for patients over the age of 18.


Adolescents ages 7 to 17 - $25

Children 6 & under – Complimentary

The fee is due the day service is rendered.

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